Huawei Harmony OS can challenge Google Android OS for these reasons

Chinese technology and smartphone maker Huawei has launched its new operating system Harmony OS in its developer conference. There was news about this operating system for many months. 

Huawei Harmony OS can challenge Google Android OS for these reasons

It is also being said to be a product of the ongoing trade war between China and America. Indeed, in May, Huawei has launched its new operating system after the US government banned the software support of American companies to the Chinese company Huawei. However, later the US government lifted the ban on Huawei.

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In the developers conference, Huawei made it clear that Harmony OS has not been brought as a replacement for Android OS. This new operating system has been introduced as multi-device connectivity.

However, there are 8 reasons that can make Harmony OS a challenger to AndroidAccording to Counterpoint's recently released Q1 2019 report, Huawei is currently the world's largest shipper after Samsung. 

Huawei shipped 59.1 million smartphones globally in the first quarter of the year. Google would not want such a big company using the Android operating system to go out of its hands. But, after the launch of Harmony OS, it can present a new challenge for Android.

Harmony OS overview:

Huawei Harmony OS can challenge Google Android OS for these reasons

• Amidst the ongoing price war between China and the US, the Chinese government may ask other Chinese companies Xiaomi, OnePlus, Vivo, Oppo to use Harmony OS. In such a situation, Google's big market can be snatched.

• China may also block its app developers from making apps for the Android operating system. In such a situation, Android users will not get many apps, after which users can switch to Harmony OS.

• Huawei can also become a big competitor for Google in Europe. Huawei has a good userbase in the European market. Apart from this, Huawei's smartphones are also sold a lot in South Asian countries.

• If the US extends the ban on Huawei, then China can also ban other American companies including Google. In such a situation, Google's Android operating system can suffer huge losses.

• Huawei itself is a large technology company that develops products like chipsets, telecom equipment along with software.

• If Huawei users use HarmonyOS, then Google may have to make its Google Suite service available to users in the future. 

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