Link ads will be retired soon | New Adsense Update 2021

Hello friends, here is a new update that came from Google Adsense in 2021 about Links Ads, the most incredible earning ad format which monetizes blogs and many other websites through textual link ads. Now let's see how our link ads will be retired soon in 2021.

Link ads will be retired soon  New Adsense Update 2021

What are Link Ads?

Link ads will be retired soon  New Adsense Update 2021

Link ads are those ads which are displayed in the text in between post or somewhere else, this ad format shows content relevant interest-based textual ads to users who already searched for the term before.

Publishers who monetize their content with link ads are paid for the clicks on the ads. Link Ad is usually paid by the pay-per-click (PPC) algorithm.

Link ads are responsive ads and can be fixed on any screen like Android, Computer, Tablets, etc. It Supports all types of screens and adapts as per the screen size.

Fixed-size Link Ads Supported Ad Sizes are 

Link ads will be retired soon  New Adsense Update 2021

1. 728x15

2. 468x15

3. 200x90

4. 180x90

5. 160x90

6. 120x90

Link Ads will be retired Soon in 2021

Yes, As per the Google Adsense Team link ads will be no more by 10th March 2021. Google Adsense team posted an article on 10th December 2020, in which they've decided to retire link ads to update their available ad formats and they'll think forward to improve and other new ad formats to help us all grow. This decision is taken based on the feedbacks of Publishers, users, and advertisers.

What will be changed after link ads stopped?

1. You'll no longer be able to create new link ad units.

2. All your old link ads will be replaced by new display ads.

3. This will not change your ad name. Your ad name will be as it is.

4. Will be applied to both Responsive and Fixed-size ads.

5. Fixed-size link ads will stop showing on your websites.

6. They'll put each ad unit wherever possible. If not, the ad will be blank.

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Do's & Dont's

If you're using Fixed-Size link ads, then you must remove/delete that ad coz, it won't be able to replace or serve any other ad. Just change it to any other format (i.e Display ads, Auto ads, Native ads, Matched content, etc.)

Responsive link ads will be automatically replaced with new display ads and will perform better. 

A bit confused What to do here is - FAQ

1. Why is google Adsense removing link ads?

Ans - Google Adsense is removing link ads to improve their services and develop some new ad formats for the future.

2. Will my site show link ads after March 2021?

Ans - A big NO, your site won't show any link ads after March 2021 either it will show display ads.

3. How to change link ads to display ads after March 2021?

Ans - Link ads will be automatically replaced with display ads after March 2021.

4. Will I have to delete all link ads from my website?

Ans -  No, you don't have to delete any of your ads.

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