Easy Ways to Make Money Online at Home - Work from Home & Earn

This article will focus on how you can make money on the Internet by writing custom texts and Easy Ways to Make Money Online at Home or Work from Home & Earn. This way of making money is suitable for those who have no problems with correct writing and correct expression of their thoughts, in writing. If you did not have problems with the English language at school, and you wrote essays without difficulty, then most likely you will like this way to make your money on the Internet at home.

Easy Ways to Make Money by Writing Texts:

 Rewriting is the process of creating new texts from existing ones by expressing the same idea in different words. That is, in fact, this is the same, familiar to us from school, presentation. Only if at school we tried to write the text under the dictation of the teacher word for word, then here, on the contrary, we need to present the already known text in completely different worlds, the main thing is that the meaning of what is written is not distorted in any way.

 Copywriting is the process of creating a new text, while the author can express his personal opinion in his article, write in the first person. In copywriting, a pure retelling of one article from one source is not allowed. However, you can use material from previously read articles. It is also worth considering that in some cases, customers do not accept writing articles in the first person, therefore, before accepting an order for work, you should immediately clarify the wishes of your employer, in order to avoid misunderstandings in the future.

 SEO copywriting is the same copywriting, but the written text must also be SEO optimized. The very concept of SEO means a set of rules that must be followed to quickly and fully promote a site for search queries on the Internet. To fully master these rules, there are special courses for such copywriting, which you can even sign up for online at home and start earning your first money already on training. However, some concepts and definitions that must be mastered in order to get your first orders on the Internet and check how you can really make your own money online at home writing SEO articles, we will consider below.

What you need to know to make money from SEO copywriting:

To write SEO texts, you need to know the following concepts:

 Key (key phrase or keyword) - a word or phrase that specifically fits into the text a certain number of times. It is by the key that the page of the site is determined by the search engine as relevant or not relevant to the search query. Usually, when writing text, customers already offer ready-made keys that they want to see in the written text, and the task of the copywriter is to correctly enter them into the text in the amount recommended by the SEO optimization rules.

 Entry - the use of the key in the text. Entry can be direct or indirect. Direct entry of the key - the use of a keyword in the case, number, gender, person, which is required to promote the page in the search engine for the intended query. If the customer in the assignment stipulates a specific key and asks to use it in the text in a direct occurrence, then this means that you need to enter the customer's key in the text without changing it in case, number, gender, or person.

• Indirect entry of a key - the ability to use a keyword in another case, number, gender, person.

 Relevance - the degree to which the content of the article matches the search queries. The higher the relevance, the more likely the article will be displayed on the site for a search query.

 Nausea is the percentage of the volume of keys in the article to the total volume of the article. Determined by special programs, servers. Nausea should range from 2.5 to 6%. Too little nausea can lead to low relevance. And too much nausea can be recognized by the search robot as spam, which will also negatively affect the site's search results.

Which sites to choose for writing articles?

Let's finally look at the sites where you can try yourself in writing texts to order and find out how you can really make good money without leaving your home.

 Sloganbase: A site for copywriters and those who want to know how you can quickly make decent money writing slogans.

 Ext Exchange of copywriting, rewriting, translation, SEO copywriting. Money is withdrawn from 250 Rupees to the WebMoney wallet. Although the prices on this exchange are relatively low, it is perfect for beginners to try their pen, and here you can make good money by fulfilling large volumes of orders.

 Textbroker: Another exchange where beginners can try to reveal themselves.


 Neotext: A popular copywriting portal, which provides all the services for writing texts and, of course, you can also make good money.

 Advego: One of the oldest exchanges on the Internet, and therefore reliable.

 Freelancer: Probably one of the most reputable Internet exchanges, where not only copywriters can reveal their talents, but also those who just want to start making money on the Internet as a freelancer (remote worker). Developers of Internet projects, web designers, and even photographers who are ready to sell their works for a good price and make money at home will also find their customers here. By the way, freelancing is one of the exchanges where the pay for freelancers is quite high.

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So, we examined the main aspects of writing a text to order on the Internet, as one of the profitable activities that allow you to lift the veil of secrecy over the question of how you can earn good money with dignity using your abilities at home. This way of making money online is not free, and you really have to work here. 

But you can be sure: for your efforts and work, you will receive proper remuneration, as well as the opportunity to grow professionally without any limiting obstacles to the growth of your income in the future. And, of course, the answer to the question of how to make good money without going to work offline at home will cease to be a secret for you once and for all.

A step-by-step plan for starting a business:

In order to start making money by writing texts for online publications and sites, you need to do the following:

 Register on online exchanges for copywriters, leave your resume there. Post ads for copyright / rewriting services on various job boards.

 Take orders and start writing texts.

How much can you earn from providing text writing services?

At the beginning of work, when you have no experience yet and the price is 5-10 Rupees. per thousand characters, it is quite possible to earn up to 10 thousand Rupees per month. Further, when you have confidence and experience, you will be able to fulfill more orders in a short time. Accordingly, the rates for the service will increase to 30-40 Rupees per thousand characters. In this case, the profit will increase by 15-20 thousand Rupees per month or more.

How much money is needed to start a business?

If you already have a computer (laptop), then no initial investment is required. Service announcements and resume posting on the Internet are free of charge.

What equipment to choose for work?

To write texts, you need a regular computer without bells and whistles, but with a comfortable and understandable keyboard. From the software, standard Word is enough to get you started. Complex graphic editors are not required. The minimum software that any computer is equipped with can cope with simple text tasks and photographs.

What OKVED to indicate when registering a business?

To work within the law and register with the tax office, you need the code 92.31.21 as the main one. He is responsible for activities in the field of artistic, literary, and performing arts. When expanding the range of services, codes may come in handy:

 40 - Activities of news agencies;

 83 - Provision of services of a secretary, editor, and translator;

 10 - Research and development in the field of natural and technical sciences.

 3 - Processing of various data.

What documents are needed to open a business?

To conduct business, it is enough to register as an individual entrepreneur. To do this, you will need a civil passport, an application to the tax office for registration, a document confirming the payment of state duty, a TIN certificate (copy).

Which taxation system to choose for work?

For individual entrepreneurs, a simplified taxation system is suitable, which provides a tax transfer in the amount of 5 to 15% (depending on which tax is levied, on gross income, or on net profit).

Do I need permissions to open a case?

Writing custom texts does not require any special permissions or licenses.

Sales technology writing services:

It is difficult for a novice copywriter or text editor to find clients at first. Therefore, the more you post ads about your new activities, the easier it will be for you to build a customer list. From which you can already choose an interesting and feasible job for you.

As a beginner, do not overcharge for services, but gain experience, learn to work quickly and efficiently. Soon you will have regular customers and topics for writing that come out the best and fastest for you. Then you can already negotiate higher prices for the work.

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